
Showing posts from July, 2018

First Station for the September Newsletter.

Good Morning, This is the first Station that I am featuring in the September Newsletter. Photo has been sourced from the South Australian Library. Peterborough was once called Petersburg.,_South_Australia   District Council of Peterborough,   Here is another interesting link,   This Photo is from the Steve Bucton Collection. I have his Permission to use this Photo. Today is the 1st of August 2018. Here are a couple of Photos of the Station taken in 2015. The town of Peterborough was a Railway Town for many years. It is represented now with a Railway Museum, Tourist info in a Carriage, A Railway Memorial, Minature steamers at the entry of the town on several roads into the town, and, there i...

September Newsletter.

Platform of the Toowoomba Railway Station, Queensland. Good morning, Today is Sunday the 29th of July, 2018. In this Newsletter I have decided to feature the Old Gympie Railway Station in Queensland, and, the Peterborough Railway Station in South Australia. There will be 11 other Stations that I have photographed, or perhaps other people have. This Newsletter will be released on the 21st of September, hopefully. Regards, Brian Leedham.

2nd Newsletter Release.

Good Morning, The first Newsletter has been received very well. Thanks to all who visited the site. Volume 2 of the Newsletter will be released on Friday the 21st of September 2018. Today is Tuesday the 24th of July 2018. Good morning, Today is Friday the 27th of July, 2018. The response to this Newsletter has been better than I ever expected , so I will be working on the 2nd volume in the next week or so, so that I can release it on the 21st of September. Have a great day everybody. Regards, Brian Leedham. Above is a Photo of the Toowoomba Railway Station.

Release brought forward.

Good morning, I have decided to bring forward the release of this Newsletter to today, Saturday the 21st of July 2018. As I have advised in other posts, this Newsletter is about advising the people who visit this Page, I am promoting Tourism, Volunteers, Railway Stations Tourist Railways and of course letting all know of all the Railway Stations that need to be saved from being derelict. The Photos used here are photos from Brian Leedhams collection and Greg Davis's collection. My Partner and I have been travelling around Australia for the last 4 years so there has been opportunity to visit many Railway Stations. I hope you enjoy the Newsletter. It is not a big deal, I just thought people would enjoy the information. Some of you may be interested in becoming a volunteer at one of these Railway Stations. Regards,  Brian Leedham.

Newsletter Release.

Good evening, This Newsletter will be released next week. More info about Railway Stations can be found here,  Toowoomba Railway Station. Queensland.

Update on this Newsletter.

Morning, Today is Sunday the 15th of July, 2018. This Newsletter will be released to the Public in the last week of July. The purpose of the Newsletter is to enlighten people about existing Railway Sations around the country and their status at the present time. Please go to this Facebook Page for more info,   More info about Australian Heritage Railway Stations is Here, Emerald Railway Station is one of the Heritage Railway Stations still in use in Queensland. Information has been written in this Newsletter about the following. The Old Maree Railway Line Katherine Railway Station, Northern Territory. Burra, South Australia. Gundagai, New South Wales. North Bundaberg Railway Station, Queensland. Archer Park Railway Station, Rockhampton. Merriwa, New South Wales. Adelaide River Northern Territory. Glenreagh New South Wales. Ten...

Cue Railway Station, WA.

Good Evening, Today is Friday the 13th of July, 2018. These Photos were taken by Greg Davis in March 2016. I will be adding a link to more photos soon. Today is Sunday the 15th of July 2018. The plan is to release this Newsletter in the last week of July.

Wangaratta Railway Station.

Good morning, Today is the 8th of July, 2018. Here is some photos of the above Railway Station.

Update on this Blog/Newsletter.

Good morning, The plan to introduce this Newsletter at the end of the month is coming along gradually. I have to add links to some of the stations I have posted here, as I am now finding there is a lot of info about Heritage Railway Stations on the Internet. At this stage I am not sure when Newsletter number two will arrive, but I suppose it depends on how well the first one goes. Have a great week. Regards, Brian Leedham. Good morning, The purpose of this Newsletter is to enlighten Internet users of the Historic or Heritage Railway Stations that are still standing in Australia. Today is Sunday the 8th of July 2018 and I am aiming to release this Newsletter to the public on the Internet sometime in the last Week of July, probably the 31st. The Newsletter will cover Stations that are still in use that were built many years ago, Stations which are run by Volunteers, some with tourist railways of some kind, and, some which are waiting for a group of Volunteers to form to sa...