
Showing posts from November, 2019

9th Newsletter update.

Good morning, Today is Thursday the 28th of November , 2019. Finally the 9th Newsletter is complete 13 Stations. 8 Special Features. The Stations I have written about are the following, Sulphide Street Railway Station, NSW. Cooladdi, QLD. Barcaldine, QLD. Glen Innes, NSW. Gulgong, NSW. Tamworth, NSW. Cloncurry, QLD. Morven, QLD. Dalby, QLD. Lake Bathurst, NSW. Drummond Range, QLD. Blackall Woolscour, QLD. Kunwarara, QLD. I have written 8 Special features, and all stories are available by clicking on the "More Posts" at the bottom of each Page Many thanks to Ted and Mel Paine, Carl Millington and Bob Gleeson for allowing me to use their photo's in this newsletter. The Stations I will be covering in the 10th Newsletter are the following, Hay, NSW. Balranald, NSW. Armidale, NSW. Thornton, NSW. Bungulla, NSW. Uralla, NSW. Kootingal, NSW Kandos, NSW. Clandulla, NSW Rylstone, NSW. Ayr, QLD. Ingham, QLD. When...

Special Feature-Merriwa Railway Line.

Hi again, Here is a story about the Merriwa Railway Line. Photo taken on the 13th of November 2010 @ the first Working Bee. The bridge above was once used as a Rail corridor for Regular Train services. Sandy Hollow railway bridge in the steam days. This Photo was sourced from the Merriwa Historical Society. Photos taken in the Sandy hollow area. Night time Photos taken in February 2013. The 3 Photos below indicate where the Rail corridor is at Wappinguy. The Railway Station was located about 3 quarters of a Kilometre from the 359 sign. Here is a list of the Stations on the line, Merriwa, Opened on the 29th of October 1917. Wappinguy, Gungal, Sandy Hollow, Myambat, Denman, Opened on the 26th of April 1915. Mangoola, Roxburgh, Bengalla Coal Loader, Muswellbrook. More Photos and Info to come soon. The Denman Railway precinct Photos were sourced from Rolfe Boz...

Kunwarara railway Station, QLD.

The photo above is from the Collection that Bob Gleeson sent me. Afternoon again, It is still Saturday the 16th of November, 2019. This is a story about the Kunwarara railway station which is currently located in Barcaldine, being used as a display at the Australian heritage Centre. The Station was built in 1915, an opened for business on the 3rd of August. It was located on the Main North Coast of Queensland, North of Rockhampton,  between Glen Geddes and Malborough. The above Photos have been sourced from the Stations Past Page. A link to the Website, The Station above was originally on the Main North Line in Queensland. It is now located at the Australian Heritage Centre in Barcaldine. I took a heap of Photos in 2015 when we visited the complex, but I have lost them. I have been fortunate to have received some Photos from the Centre through Bob Gleeson. He has sent me 14 Photos. Many tha...