Regional Rail Passenger services.

Good Morning,

Today is Saturday the 18th of January, 2020.

For the past few years I have been investigating the Possibility of Extending Regional Rail Services in South Australia and New South Wales.

In the process I have copped a lot of Flack, but all I am trying to do is give a Passenger service to the people in Rural Australia.

In March 2019 I contacted UGL.

Ian Pendlebury is the person I spoke to about building a new single Railcar which are driveable from Both Ends.

From the emails, and, a Phone conversation I had with Ian, it was pointed out to me that it would be too expensive to have a New one built. He suggested that I contact a Manufacturer who has Railcars already in Production.

I contacted Bombadier in Melbourne, but they did not answer my email, so I will need to try and contact them next week.

In the last few weeks I have been putting together information about the possibility of running a railcar from Casino to Lismore and maybe further on.

In the last couple of days I have sourced information about the 153 class railcar in Britian.

Photo sourced from Wikipedia, the photo was taken by Gareth James.

Not even sure if any of these are available for sale, and what the cost would be to import them.
So I have lots more investigation to do.

As far as I am aware they are Standard Gauge, so they would not be able to be used in South Australia, unless the bogies were changed over to Broad gauge.

Last Sunday, the 12th of January, I started a thread about re-opening the Railway Line from Casino to the Queensland Border.

On another Facebook Page on the Internet I copped a lot of Flack for my Plans. So my investigation is ongoing in the hope I can make some thing happen.

Photo sourced from Wikipedia, Photo taken by Phil Scott.

Here is a better Photo,
Photo sourced from Commons Wikimedia. Photo taken by Rept0n1x

More Information and Photos to follow.

Surprisingly enough I have put pen to paper and written down many things that I need to follow up.
My original thoughts were to go from Casino to the QLD Border, BUT, after talks with another person, Yes I do talk to other people about my Plans, there is a lot of Infrastructure that has to be replaced on the line. So I am not sure how far this Plan will get, It may not even get of the ground , BUT AT LEAST I AM HAVING A GO.

I have been able to source another Photo for this write up.

Above is a Photo from Jonathan Irwin's Collection.

My plan is to Import maybe 2 or 3 of these Railcars, if possible, and if they are for sale, so that they can be run between Casino and Lismore and possibly Further North and South.
Lots of things to investigate yet so we will see how we go.

Photo from Commons Wikimedia, Photo taken by Peter Skuce.

Have a Great Day Everybody.

Brian Leedham
From the Port Macquarie area of New South Wales
Creator of this Newsletter/Blog Page.

Good afternoon,

Today is Wednesday the 5th of February, 2020.

This is an Update on where we are with this Planning.
I have made contact with John Holland Rail about my plans.

If possible I have decided to Purchase 4 Railcars if possible.
2 153 Class
2 156 class.
This will depend if they are available for Sale or not.
And of course, if they can be imported into Australia.

Above is Railcar 153314, Photo taken by Brian Battersby, 1/2/2020.

The last 2 Photos were taken by Terry Fiddes, also on the 1/2/2020.

I have spoken to 6 different people about my plans either on Facebook or by email.
All seem to be positive about the Plans.
Brian Leedham.


From now on Information about this project will be kept on my New Forum.

All info will be discussed via my Hotmail account at, brianwlleedham@hotmail

Have a Great Day Everybody.

Good Afternoon,

Today is Tuesday the 18th of February, 2020.

Just catching up with all that has been happening.

More Planning and Investigation has been done.

Should have some more Information soon.
Brian Leedham.

Photo above taken by Gareth James.
Railcars like the one above may be used if the Imported ones cannot be used.

Good morning,
Just advising there is lots more info available.
Please contact me via my Email if you want to know more.

Good Morning,


Here is an Update for this Project.

I have been in contact with 20 different people about this Project,
Including the Rail Saftey Regulator.
John Holland Rail
UK Companies,
Other Australian companies.

All seem keen to see the Project go ahead.

If you require more infomation, please email me at,

Good Morning,

Today is Friday the 28th of February, 2020.

As well as the Class 153 and class 156 Railcars, I am looking at 2 HST 125 sets.
Still lots to investigate, so will let you know what happens.

Brian Leedham.

Have a great Day.

Photo from Sam Stewart's Collection.


Future News or Plans for this Project will not be written here.

If you want more Information, Email me at this email address,


Important information,

I have further news about this Project.

Please email at the above email to be advised what is happening.


More Information about this Project is available.
If you would like to keep up to date,
Email me at,

Have a Great Day Everybody.


This is what the Station at Lismore could look like.

Photo from Steve Taylor's Collection.

Regional Rail passenger services are needed on the Line from Casino to Murwillumbah.


More information will be available on this Page this Afternoon.

The Photo above is from Phillip Vergison's Collection, taken on the 25th of August 1982.

Currently I/We, as there are other people involved, are looking at the possibility of importing a couple of the English version of these if Possible.
1-04-2020. This is no April fools joke,either by the way.

Good morning,
Today is Monday the 13th of April, 2020.

I have decided that my desire to see better Rail Passenger services in New South Wales and South Australia has been met with angst and a desire by most people that comment about it, to make me look like a complete idiot. I will no longer be persueing the possibilities.

Well I have been investigating the possibilities and there are things that could be done , but there are lots of Hurdles. I have been in contact with people in the UK, regarding the Importation of Railcars and HST 125 sets, and they are possibilities, but there are also many hurdles.

Then we come back to New South Wales, I put A plan to the Rail Motor Society and Lachlan Valley Railway about operating a 6 day service from Casino to Lismore, and, LVR did not respond to my email, and the response I got from the Rail Motor Society was that the line is closed, in other words they are not interested.

I have been called many names since I started this Project, which I do not understand, as all I am doing is trying to get change, make things better for the Rural people of this Country, as it has a two fold purpose, better for Rural people to get around and better for Tourism.

The Byron Bay Railroad Company is an example of what can be done, and, it has been a success.

Have a good day everybody.
Brian Leedham.

A Classic Railcar of Yesteryear.


Update on my planning for Regional Rail Passenger services.

Good Morning,

I have decided, that my desire for change in the Regional Rail Passenger Industry is way before it's time. It seems that a lot of people really do not understand what these services could do for communities in Rural Australia.
I started my push for change in Rural Rail Passenger services in 2007/2008, I was doing it before then, but not as hard as I was from December 2007 on wards.

Some people have said they admire me for thinking outside the Box, others have said I am a complete idiot.

Since the 18th of January, I started an even harder push for Regional Rail Passenger services from Casino to Murwillumbah. Lots of Critics, and, not much positive response.

So I will still be working on the Rail project in South Australia, to try and bring back two Red Hen Railcars from Victoria. But everything else is now History.

Brian Leedham.
From the Port Macquarie area of NSW.


I am putting some new Plans together for Standard Gauge Vlocity Railars.
If you want more information, contact me at my hotmail address.


  1. Its a good idea and else where on facebook with in minutes of your idea going up comments were made about this post.
    Cant help but wonder why they need to watch everything you do.

  2. Mate the lines and perway is mostly in tact between Bordertown and Mt Gambier and again between Mt Gambier & Portland, it would be a fantastic thing to re introduce rail between Adelaide and Mt Gambier and on to Portland & ultimately Warrnambool, I was told by someone on the fB pages that there is an economic study underway (2019) for the Portland - Mt Gambier section to be re opened for freight which I would assume will be most likely logs for export.

    Ask anyone in Mt Gambier about the rail and most old enough to remember the old red hens and bluebirds would love to have a service reintroduced.

    Good luck with your endeavours however I feel that the government is SA has no intention of offering anything to the people in the way of services outside the big smoke, just look at the Overland for proof of that.

  3. Well the idea is good but will the importation of a railcar or railcars be really worth it in the long run you might need to do a lot to these railcars to get them to actually run in Australia under the current rules and regulations. I did check up on these cars and although they are said to be heated there is no indication that they are air conditioned and if that is the case it would really need to be added to the cars if it is possible British conditions are fair less hot than Australia's conditions though. A day of 30 over there in Britain is considered a heatwave were here it is a nice mild day. You would not want to be in a railcar that is un-airconditioned on a stinking hot Australian day , it would not win you customers for your venture.

    Converting them to Aust Standards etc might cost more than a new one being built especially if it is done here in Australia. Just saying though as there are plenty of other things that might need to be looked at before they hit any track here in Australia.

    Those that commented though were only putting up what they actually thought, it is not a problem though as it is just someones opinion of something, there is no law against having an opposite opinion of something that I know of. It is best to point out the opposite side of something in the beginning and let everyone make their own minds on it though.

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