Burns-Cockburn Railway Location.

Hi again,

This is a write up about what is left at this Location.
Or I should say what was still there in May 2004, when I visited this Location.

The Cockburn Railway Station opened on the 11th of June 1887.

The Burns Railway Station opened in the 2nd of January 1888.


Lots of Photos of Cockburn at the above link.

Some of the old Infrastructure left from the early days.

 The telephone lines were still in existence when this Photo was taken.

More Photos and Info to follow.

The next 2 Photos were sourced from NSWRAIL.NET

 The above Photo is looking towards the Former Bordergate Hotel.

The last 2 Photos were taken by Robert Heal, in December 2002.

Here's some Photos from Greg Davis's Collection.
Taken in November 2016.

The Former Bordergate Hotel, at the left of the Photo.

Both Railway Stations closed in 1970 when the Standard gauge went through.

More Information in the link below.


Here is a link that may be of interest,



Today is Monday the 6th of July.

I have been reading the "Rails to Wealth" book written by Lew Roberts.
In the book there are two Photos of the Stations of Coburn and Burns.
You may say I have the spelling wrong for Coburn.
Apparently the name was changed to Cockburn sometime after it was built.

Here is another link with lots of info,




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