Update 28-10-2020.

 Good Morning,

Today is Wednesday the 28th of October, 2020.

This Write up is an Update on the Stockinbingal Railway Station, which is Located in the South West of the State of NSW.

Since the 2nd of August I have been investigating the Future of the Station, and what is going to happen with it.

There has been some very interesting results from these investigations.

These Photos were taken in 2015, by a Rail Enthusiast Friend of mine.

Firstly, the Inland Rail Route is to bypass the Station by 600 to 1000 Metres, to the west.
So as far as I am aware, Inland Rail will not be taking the Station over.

At this Stage the Cootamundra-Gundagai Shire Council do not have a Project for the Future for this Railway Station.

The Village of Stockinbingal does not have the people to take up a Project for the Station.

The State Government is responsible for this Station, through Transport for NSW. It is owned by TAHE, the new group that has superseeded Railcorp, who is responsible for all State owned Assets.

In July last year, a Grant was awarded to the Bogan Shire Council of 1 Million Dollars, for work to be done on the Nyngan and Girilambone Railway Stations, this was achieved through a Drought Stimulus Package. This came about because the Bogan Shire Council had made an application for the Restoration of the Girilambone Railway Station, and further work to the Nyngan Railway Station.

It is now obvious to me that the Environment and Heritage Department do not have a big enough Budget for Restoration of Heritage and Historic Railway Stations in New South Wales.

The Transport for NSW Department, and, the Minister, Andrew Constance need to work on changing the Situation. You only have to look at the Werris Creek Railway Station and the Tenterfield Railway Station, where you see two very successful projects, who attract big numbers of Tourists.

Yesterday I had a conversation with Bas Boylan, from ARTC, who is based in Melbourne. He advised that an Inspection of the Stockinbingal Railway Station had been done, and, the cost of repairs was upwards of $150,000.00

So as you can see some decision making is required in the not to distant future, as to what can be done to Save and Restore the Station. The Main Problem is Termite Damage, which apparently is fairly extensive.

Some Photos from Chris Watson's Collection.



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