Special Feature- Special Railway Station 30-11-2020.

 Good Morning,

This is a Special Write up for the Cooma Railway Station.

They have lots happening down there, so I thought I would cover it.




Photo sourced from the Cooma Monaro Railway Inc's Facebook Page.
Photo Taken By me in December 2014. This was while we were on our Travels around the Country.
Another Photo from the Cooma Monaro Railway Inc's Facebook Page.

Some more Photos taken in December 2014.

A Link to the Facebook Page for the group.

Lots of current Photos at the Link above.

Here's a couple of Photos from Sheba_also's collection.

Photos taken in 2013. Sourced from Wikipedia.

All the Photos with 2014 0n them were taken in December 2014.

Information that has been put up on the groups Facebook Page is that they are in the Process of planning to have the Railmotors running again.

They have also done a lot of work in Improvements to the buildings around the site.
So if your keen maybe you can can visit and help out.
Contact them thru their Facebook Page.

The Station Opened on the 31st of May 1889.

The Last Passenger Train was in November 1988.

The Station Complex is Heritage listed as well.

I hope you enjoy this Write Up/Story.
Brian Leedham.


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