Newsletter Update 25-09-2020.

Good Morning,

Today is Friday the 25th of September, 2020.

Been busy with my Photography in the last few Days.

Kendal Railway Station on the 18th of September 2020, with the XPT approaching from the South, heading to the North.

Been too busy taking Photos to concentrate on my Newsletter, so will have to change that over the Next few days. But I have been enjoying taking Photos as I am trying different things to make my Photos better.

This Newsletter started out as a site where you could find Railway Stations from all over the County, but not Tasmania as yet, and I may not get there, but you never know. The Newsletter now covers stories about other Railway Photographers, Railway Workers life in the Railways, and, News about what is Happening in the Railways Scene.

Took some more Photos at the Kendall Railway station This Week, on Wednesday the 23 rd of September. Here is a Few of them.

Still got two Stations to add to this Newsletter as well, then I can start working on Newsletter number 15. That one is Due on November the 21st.
When this Newsletter is complete I will have covered stories on 182 Historic Railway Stations, plus the Special Features I have done as well. These Railway Stations are from 6 different States of Australia.

My Rail Media Facebook Page has many updates on Railways as well, please go to the link below if you would like to catch up on all the stories,

Weethalle Railway Station.
Muswellbrook Railway Station.
Tamworth Railway Station.
Maitland Railway Station.
Bainsdale Railway Station, Victoria.
Katherine Railway Station, Northern Territory.
Yass Junction Railway Station.

Cloncurry Railway Station, Queensland.
Trangie Railway Station.
Central Station, Sydney. 24th of September 2005.

I hope this Update sees you all fit an d well.



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