
Showing posts from October, 2020

Breaking News, 1-11-2020.

Good afternoon, This morning I was sent some Photos from Graeme Skeet, who currently resides in the UK. Graeme is well Known for his Contribution to Railway Photography in Australia also. He is a member of many Facebook Pages where he shares his Photos. Here's a couple he took in the UK recently.  Many Thanks to Graeme for allowing us to use his Photos. HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYBODY.

Newsletter Update31-10-2020

 Good afternoon, I am starting my Update for tomorrow. Here is a Photo taken by Brad Peadon in June of this Year.. Many thanks to Brad for allowing me to use this Photo. Some Recent Photos. Lochinvar Railway Station, Tuesday the 20th of October 2020. IMPORTANT NEWS: This Newsletter/Blog Page will be replaced by a New One on the 1st of January 2020. A new Page set up and A New URL and A New Name. It may go live late in December 2020. Photo taken at Dunedoo Railway Station Precinct. Photo taken of the Merriwa Silo's. This was our Home while we were travelling from March 20th 2014 till December the 14th 2018. We bought the Izusu Dmax New, and the Jayco Starcraft, secondhand. The Caravan traveled about 37,000 Kilometres during the 4 years and 9 Months. Sadly the Van has now been replaced by a Shopping Trolley. Towing the van thru 5 States of Australia gave us an opportunity to Visit lots of Railway Stations. And lots of other Historical Places. Kendall September 2020, XP 2013, Trailing...

Girilambone Railway Station, NSW-28-10-2020.

Good Morning, Today is Wednesday the 28th of October, 2020. This is an Update on the Station Restoration Project. Safety Fence on the Main Platform. The above Photos were taken on the 26th of August, 2020. More Info and Photos to follow. I have now done two trips to Photograph this Railway Station. Have been given info from the site manager about what is happening. So the project is Steaming ahead. The end result for this complex is, It will be a Visitor Hub, Consisting of, A Museum, a Cafe, An Art Gallery, An Artist's Workshop and A free Campsite. There is a possibility, that by now the Roof is on the New Toilet Block. The Verandah/Awning may also be started. Paint on the Walls is to be removed. The Underground Water tank has been put in. The Septic system for the new Toilet block is done. Fences are up for, Parking, Railway line has been recycled for this. Safety, For workers and visitors, stop accidents. and Security, to help protect the Property. New Floor Joist's have been...

Update 28-10-2020.

 Good Morning, Today is Wednesday the 28th of October, 2020. This Write up is an Update on the Stockinbingal Railway Station, which is Located in the South West of the State of NSW. Since the 2nd of August I have been investigating the Future of the Station, and what is going to happen with it. There has been some very interesting results from these investigations. These Photos were taken in 2015, by a Rail Enthusiast Friend of mine. Firstly, the Inland Rail Route is to bypass the Station by 600 to 1000 Metres, to the west. So as far as I am aware, Inland Rail will not be taking the Station over. At this Stage the Cootamundra-Gundagai Shire Council do not have a Project for the Future for this Railway Station. The Village of Stockinbingal does not have the people to take up a Project for the Station. The State Government is responsible for this Station, through Transport for NSW. It is owned by TAHE, the new group that has superseeded Railcorp, who is responsible for all State owne...

Wyong Railway Station, NSW.

 Hi again, Some more Scanned Photo Prints. These Photos were taken in the early 2000's I think. More Photos to follow.